Last summer I signed in Netflix. My family agreed with me to buy a month subscription. First, I watched a lot of series and films in Spanish but there was a series that it was only in English. I really wanted to see that series and I thought that watching the series in English would be a good experience to learn English in a different way. I had never listened to the voice of the serie’s actors in English, with their real voice. I was a little surprised but now I can’t hear their voice in Spanish because it sounds a little bit strange.
Another way to learn English is making exchanges with people from other countries. They don’t speak your language and if you want to speak with them, you have to do it in English. Fortunately, I have made a lot of exchanges during my life. Some of them with my high-school but others by my way. I think it’s a great experience to know who you are to know new people and to learn new languages and new cultures.
In conclusion, nowadays learning a language it’s easier than years before. We have a lot of tools to improve our English and to practise a lot wherever you are.

Netflix: estas son las series y películas que dejan la plataforma ...


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