the advantages and disadvantages of living away from home while you’re a university student

Next year, we will start a new experience that will change our lives. Choosing our university studies a difficult and important decision too. During this period some people who live far away from Universities have to live with other students sharing a flat or living in a residence. But, is living away from home a good idea?
On the one hand, it can be a great experience to know who you are far away from your family. When you leave your comfort zone, you really have to be responsible and self-sufficient. Moreover, you will make a lot of new friendships and you will enjoy a lot of new experiences.
On the other hand, if you are a person that depends a lot on your family, this can be a difficult experience for you. Also, it can be difficult if you are a shy person. Although, this can help you to overcome your limits and become a new person.
In conclusion, living away from your family can be an excellent experience to get rid of your concerns and become responsible and an adult person.

Alumni | Lancaster University


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