Can we judge others by the way they look? Does a person’s appearance influence his or her character?

Who has not judged someone by his or her appearance? The whole society has made this almost once.  I believe that appearance does not influence someone's character.
First of all, we live in a society with a lot of beauty canons. What I mean is that if you are not in these canons, people judge you. But, who sets up these canons? Well, we only have to enter Instagram and we will see influencers that show us their excellent body that normally nobody haves.
Secondly, the ages of their followers are teenagers that could have important problems such as anorexia, bulimia or others because they want to be like them. I personally think that influencers have a real influence on their followers. And as I see it, they must be responsible and keep an eye on their publications and the image that the followers get.

In conclusion, I think that judging people contributes to giving a false image about them and their personality and I personally feel that this first thought about people that we don’t know has to disappear.

Se acaba la fiebre de los influencers? - Eureka! Marketing


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